
The Company

Iinouiio is a textile recycling business based in Yorkshire, the only of its kind to process wool and cashmere waste in the UK. Building on a long-standing family history of textile recycling, iinouiio provides a scalable service to transform textile manufacturing waste, and pre- and post-consumer waste into high-value commercially viable products. 

R&D Focus 

Through the BFTT creative R&D project, iinouiio have developed a collection of high-quality pre- and post-consumer wool and cashmere yarns and woven textiles, alongside a unique R&D consultancy service to advise brands on how they can deliver circular approaches for valuable waste streams.  

In 2022, iinouiio became part of the Camira Group, a global fabric manufacturer with a longstanding commitment to environmental stewardship.


Alice Timmis image

Alice Timmis

R&D Project Lead


A highly skilled weaver, Alice’s career spans textile design, manufacture, R&D and consultancy working with yarn, trend, fashion and interior industries and education. Since completing her masters at the Royal College of Art (RCA), Alice has founded an award-winning textile practise collaborating with international clients and European mills. Her passion for craft inspires her to develop commercial woven and non-woven fabrics through a process of handiwork that doesn’t get lost in the stages of industrial manufacture. Extensive experience working with the textile supply chain has led Alice onto sustainable research projects, eliminating pre-consumer textile waste and developing it into fabrics suitable for market.


Dr John Parkinson

R&D Company Lead

Iinouiio Ltd

John Parkinson has worked in textile recycling since 1977. In 1990, he launched ‘Evergreen’ (the first UK business of its kind) to produce fibres, yarns and fabrics using responsible materials and production methods. Despite the decline of the UK woollen industry, in 2019 John co-founded Iinouiio (acronym: ‘it is never over until it is over’) to re-energise the ‘endangered’ craft of traditional UK textile recycling.

Black and white portrait of Veronika Kapsali

Prof Veronika Kapsali

R&D Academic Mentor


Veronika is a Reader in Material Technology and Design at LCF where she is developing novel biomimetic approaches to design and innovation of Active Material Systems within the textile industry that intersect biology, material engineering and textile design. Veronika is an LCF graduate who was awarded a PhD scholarship to study engineering design at Bath University. Her practice intersects academic and manufacturing sectors both within her role as Reader and as co-director of MMT Textiles Limited and inventor of INOTEK TM (an award winning biomimetic textile platform that draws on ambient moisture to trigger reversible mechanical changes in the fabric structure, typically for advanced moisture and insulation management). Veronika is also a bestselling author in industrial design and consults extensively with private and public organisations in material science, textile technology, functional apparel and fashiontech. 

Black and white portrait of Kate Goldsworthy

Prof Kate Goldsworthy

R&D Academic Mentor


Kate is Professor of Circular Design and Innovation and Co-Director of the Centre for Circular Design at UAL, a world-leading research centre using practice research to innovate, steer and support circular economies and communities around the globe. Kate’s design research operates at the intersection of materials science with design and sustainability principles. As industry and Governments raise the priority of sustainable business, Kate has undertaken a range of industrial consultancy projects for fashion and textiles organisations including Worn Again Technologies Ltd, Filippa K, VF Corporation and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Core skills and competences include:

  • Laser finishing for fashion and textiles
  • Circular economy and circular design research
  • Sustainable business consultancy in the fashion sector

